Woman accessing system on a computer

Virtual Access Management

Tool for controlling employee access to the work system

Ahgora Smartgate

The Ahgora SmartGate works like a real virtual turnstile. It is possible to configure the employee's access periods to the work system with full control over the team's journey. At the end of the shift, for example, the software alerts the professional by sending messages about the end of the shift and prevents him from continuing to work. That simple.

example of ahgora smartgate screen
drawing with person on top of an hourglass

Reduce undue overtime

With SmartGate it is possible to reduce overtime with the management of working hours. The software controls the entry and exit of employees in the virtual environment.

  • The system invites the employee to check the time, avoiding the extra period of the journey
  • Reports for the manager to check out-of-hours access attempts and blockages made by the system
  • Input or output control, or both

Expand legal certainty

Product with full legal protection. End labor liabilities by managing working hours and rest periods – breaks between shifts and shifts.

  • Prevents non-compliance with mandatory breaks
  • It ends work during absences and days off
  • Use permitted by law and integration with PontoWEB, ensuring that the employee respects the journey established in the contract
drawing of person with shield
drawing of person filling out checklist

Configure the working day in advance

SmartGate allows the manager to configure the working time of each professional, reducing undue overtime. When this time is exceeded, the software notifies the employee and interrupts the work sequence.

  • Company installs the tool on each employee's machine
  • Flexible system: the manager establishes, in advance, the maximum overtime allowed
  • More than 15 configurable actions, such as the start and end of shifts, in addition to intra and interworking breaks